Invoice Due Date by Receipt Date
Count Invoice due date from actual customer receive the invoice
19 Juni, 2023 oleh
Invoice Due Date by Receipt Date
Admin Xpersion
  • Add button on Invoice to set/change receipt date

  • New due date will be calculated from receipt date

  • Show Receipt Date, Due date original, Payment Terms in days field on Invoice

Before Set Receipt Date

Invoice INV/2023/00010 has been due on 31/05/2023 so on Aged Receivable (AR), will shown on column 1-30 (Days) since its has been due 19 days ago (today is 19/06/2023)

Set Receipt Date

Fill receipt date by actual invoice is received by customer (default today)

After Set Receipt Date

There will be Receipt Date, Payment Terms in Days, Due Date (original), and Due Date from Receipt

On AR, due date will calculated from receipt date. And now, Lumber Inc doesn't have any due credit since invoice is just received on 19/06/2023, so due date will be on next month, 19/07/2023.

Change Receipt Date

After we set receipt date, we can change it until payment state on "in payment" or "paid"

Lets say we change receipt date to 20/06/2023, so due date will be on the 20/07/2023

Button will disappear after full register payment

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Invoice Due Date by Receipt Date
Admin Xpersion 19 Juni, 2023
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