Other System to Odoo

Integrate with any Odoo process asynchronously. It means no longer waiting response, Odoo will execute in background with its queue system. So you can process one request and jump directly to another process.

API Request
Some example of common process:

  1. CREATE asynchronously,

  2. READ,

  3. UPDATE asynchronously,

  4. DELETE asynchronously.

Also, you can trigger any method in Odoo, literally ANY METHOD / FUNCTION (public or private) just with a simple configuration.

API Queue
Each requests will be scheduled based on request time. First request will be execute when workers is available. Then second request, and so on until last request. 

API Configuration
Providing simple configuration with strict user access right.

API Logging
We provide fill log of each request and response (success or failed).

API Documentation
API can be test on Postman or other simple CURL with well-written documentation that covers all of process.


Request API


Add to queue and return queue response


Executing request

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